California and Federal Labor Law Poster (Spanish) - MASTSP
Why buy your posters from CalChamber? We monitor mandatory updates throughout the year and our direct contact with state agencies enhances our ability to provide accurate, up-to-date employment and labor law notices.
Compliance Alert: CalChamber's 2024 California and Federal Labor Law poster reflects mandatory updates to these notices:
- California Minimum Wage notice (January 2024)
- Healthy Workplaces/Healthy Families - Paid Sick Leave notice (January 2024)
- Cal/OSHA notice (January 2024)
- Workplace Discrimination and Harassment notice (January 2024)
- Federal Minimum Wage notice (April 2023)
- EEOC Know Your Rights notice (June 2023)
California employers are required to post these updated notices to ensure your California employees are aware of their rights in the workplace. The California minimum wage increases to $16 per hour for all employers on January 1, 2024.
Attention Fast Food Restaurant Restaurant Employers: Effective April 1, 2024, the minimum wage for fast food restaurant employees is $20/hour, and covered employers must post the supplemental fast food minimum wage notice in addition to the General Minimum Wage Order, MW-2024. The Labor Commissioner’s FAQs page includes a copy of the supplemental notice and provides additional information about who is covered under the law, along with exemptions. Please note, this supplemental notice is not included in CalChamber’s 2024 California and Federal Labor Law poster. CalChamber is providing the supplemental fast food notice in English, Spanish and Chinese HERE.
Note: Although California law allows electronic distribution of required California required notices via email, it doesn’t change an employer’s obligation to physically display posters in the workplace, including where employees work remotely 100% of the time.
CalChamber’s convenient 28" x 46" all-in-one poster contains the 18 state and federal employment notices that California employers must post.
Need required pamphlets, too? Click here to buy the kit and save money vs. ordering required posters and pamphlets separately.
Remember, you must separately post the Wage Order(s) specific to your industry. New postings are required as of January 1, 2024. Use our free Wage Order Wizard to identify which of the 17 industry Wage Orders apply to your business. You may need more than one.
Choose from a paper or laminated all-in-one poster in Spanish or English:
- Single poster with required California and federal notices
Required California and Federal Employment Notices:
- Transgender Rights in the Workplace (CRD)
- Healthy Workplaces/Healthy Families Act of 2014 - Paid Sick Leave
- Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal
- Notice to Employees (EDD: UI, DI and PFL)
- California Minimum Wage
- Federal Minimum Wage
- Your Rights Under USERRA
- Safety and Health Protection on the Job (Cal/OSHA)
- Notice to Employees-Injuries Caused by Work (Division of Workers' Compensation)
- Discrimination and Harassment in Employment are Prohibited by Law (CRD)
- Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee
- Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave
- Employee Rights Under the Family Medical Leave Act
- Whistleblowers Are Protected
- Time Off to Vote
- Employee Polygraph Protection Act
- Emergency Contacts
- Pay Day Notice